Good friends. Good games. Terrible rolls.

The Lowrollers Society

The Lowrollers Society is the tabletop rpg group made up of me, as GM, and my friends who, after several years of playing, slaying bad guys, having emotional in-character dialogues, and generally rolling like our garbage, decided to make our adventures public for others to enjoy.

We play a heavily homebrewed and edited version of Mutants and Masterminds, 3rd edition and our current campaign takes place in the same collective multiverse as my other writings, but this time in Anomalous I, a world where an aggressive and ever-mutating zombie virus has destroyed global civilization and forced the few survivors to huddle together in imperfect societies. Tensions are only aggravated by the zombie menace because, even though many have been transformed into mindless monsters, some have become revenants, monstrous reflections of their living selves eternal scheming and commanding the undead around them in an attempt to exterminate every living human and finally assert themselves as the dominate species of this dying world.

Into this apocalypse step two infected and mutated undead that have managed to retain their humanity: John, a charismatic ex con-man haunted by his past with powers of shapeshifting and perfect mimicry, and Richard, someone torn between his genuine heart of gold and the monster inside him that has made him kill loved ones. Together they must deal with death cutists, insane killer game shows, a breed of super-zombie that worship them as messiahs, bandits and raiders, survival in a wasteland where food has become so rare it is used as currency, rising political unrest, clothes-based bullying, Duck Tuckem, and a horde of undead who only grow stronger with each passing day.

Oh, and their own terrible rolls.